Welcome to KNS Institute Of Technology, an Institution that rests on a strong academic foundation, blended with a modern approach, that seeks to mold young men and women into successful role models. Our country is poised for takeoff, to claim her piece of the sky and at KNSIT we believe that only knowledge can give you wings. As you step into the portals of this College, you are engulfed by our ethos of character, discipline, and competence. “The Future of our country depends on outlook and behavior of our students. The graduates emerging from the portals of an educational institution should possess at least minimal moral values. A college is a platform to mold the student to be model acceptable by the society. They should not only excel in subject matter, they should develop their traits and add value to life and should become a role model.” The KNSIT prides itself on its accomplished teachers from across the globe, who are also renowned in the academic world for developing cornerstone theory, authoring enduring textbooks, and advancing creative thinking. At KNSIT, students will be challenged by rigorous courses, leading scholars, and brilliant classmates to achieve academic excellence. As there is no substitute for hands-on experience the students will be presented with opportunities and apply knowledge to real-world practice, thereby we continuously introduce hands-on learning environment where students can experience, practice and learn by doing. We are firm in our commitment towards producing competent and confident students who can successfully face their future challenges